
"Three Crows" oil painting at Whydah Museum Gallery, Provincetown

"Three Crows" oil painting at Whydah Museum Gal...

Three Crows, 11 x 14 oil on canvas with mahogany frame sold 9/7/18 to a collector for a museum in Dallas, Texas. Crows are highly intelligent and a favorite to...

"Three Crows" oil painting at Whydah Museum Gal...

Three Crows, 11 x 14 oil on canvas with mahogany frame sold 9/7/18 to a collector for a museum in Dallas, Texas. Crows are highly intelligent and a favorite to...

Bid Online Now ! "Herring Gulls" at PAAM silent auction

Bid Online Now ! "Herring Gulls" at PAAM silent...

Update: On-line exhibit ended August 26, Herring Gulls sold 50/50%. Herring Gulls, oil on panel, one of 311 works online for Members' Exhibition and Silent Auction. Visit an sign in....

Bid Online Now ! "Herring Gulls" at PAAM silent...

Update: On-line exhibit ended August 26, Herring Gulls sold 50/50%. Herring Gulls, oil on panel, one of 311 works online for Members' Exhibition and Silent Auction. Visit an sign in....

Sketchbook Project at the Brooklyn Art Library

Sketchbook Project at the Brooklyn Art Library

I am participating in the Sketchbook Project, the World's largest collection of digitized sketchbooks submitted from all corners of the Globe. I think my topic will be "Things I've Left...

Sketchbook Project at the Brooklyn Art Library

I am participating in the Sketchbook Project, the World's largest collection of digitized sketchbooks submitted from all corners of the Globe. I think my topic will be "Things I've Left...

Quiet Places - (A Story about Timmy the Bear) is ready for publication

Quiet Places - (A Story about Timmy the Bear) i...

Quiet Places is a collaborative effort using my illustrations in a story authored by James McGuire, MD.  Ready for publication this month, there will be a book-signing event at Expedition...

Quiet Places - (A Story about Timmy the Bear) i...

Quiet Places is a collaborative effort using my illustrations in a story authored by James McGuire, MD.  Ready for publication this month, there will be a book-signing event at Expedition...

Opening Celebration at Burdick Art Gallery July 2018.

Opening Celebration at Burdick Art Gallery July...

Opening reception at Burdick Art Gallery, July 7, 2018 ! This is my wall - "Sea Life and Life by the Sea" exhibit, sold several and commissions coming. Family, friends...

Opening Celebration at Burdick Art Gallery July...

Opening reception at Burdick Art Gallery, July 7, 2018 ! This is my wall - "Sea Life and Life by the Sea" exhibit, sold several and commissions coming. Family, friends...

Opening Reception at Burdick Gallery July 7, 2018!

Opening Reception at Burdick Gallery July 7, 2018!

Come see my new and familiar oil paintings at Burdick Art Gallery, 25 Bank Street, Wellfleet. Opening reception July 7, 6-8 p.m. Exhibit runs through July 14th. Small Wellfleet buildings, oyster...

Opening Reception at Burdick Gallery July 7, 2018!

Come see my new and familiar oil paintings at Burdick Art Gallery, 25 Bank Street, Wellfleet. Opening reception July 7, 6-8 p.m. Exhibit runs through July 14th. Small Wellfleet buildings, oyster...